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Diesel Analysis

The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) has established various specifications to characterize diesel fuel oils (ASTM D975) and provide a definition and reference framework. These are the minimum requirements of testing necessary to assure the suitability of use under typical conditions.

When operational application, location, and ambient specific characteristics are being considered, additional properties are identified and must be precisely measured and evaluated by appropriate testing and analysis.

 DFS - Diesel Fuel Specification Verification

Diesel fuel specification testing verifies the product's physical properties meet all of the ASTM and OEM requirements. These tests are also used to identify product quality and also determine the source of fuel-related deficiencies.

DLTS - Long Term Storage

Fuels stored for periods extending past one month may be subject to aging degradation – particulate accumulation, microbiological growth, condensation buildup – and should be tested periodically to ensure reliable, satisfactory performance if used in systems that are not set to run continually.

We ensure that all testing is in compliance with NFPA 110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.

Click here for more info on generator fuel testing.

DFQ - Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance testing per ISO 17025 accredited laboratories monitors new deliveries and bulk storage tanks for continued stability and contamination. As fuel ages, chemical oxidation creates conditions where deposits are formed, and sediment accumulates. 

Comprehensive testing determines when fuel needs filtration, circulation, or the inclusion of specialty additives to help mitigate conditions contrary to the engine's proper performance. This package is recommended for most any fuel stored in almost any quantity. This would help predict the long-term storage properties of the samples are being tested.

DFC - Diesel Fuel Bottom / Clearance

Variable sampling points will optimize the detection, control of contaminants, and the overall assessment of the fuel's characteristics. While it's important to know when water, dirt, oxides (rust), and other debris have settled to the bottom of a storage tank, a bottom sample alone may not be representative of the overall tank condition. Take both bottom samples and a center (mid-fuel level) samples for better accuracy. Also, consider taking a sample from the top of the tank level to identify any lighter contaminants like gasoline in diesel fuel or jet fuel.


Diesel Tests Include:

  • Flashpoint
  • Water and Sediment
  • Distillation
  • Kinematic Viscosity
  • Ash
  • Sulfur Content
  • Cetane Number
  • Ramsbottom/Conradson Carbon Residue
  • Lubricity
  • Conductivity